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Lifedesign mit Sandra Lutz







These general terms and conditions regulate the business relationships between Sandra Lutz Life & Business Coaching (hereinafter SL) and their clients and apply to all services and products from SL. They are part of all offers, order confirmations and appointment reservations. Deviations from these terms and conditions must be confirmed by SL in writing so that they become valid.

1.2. The separate terms and conditions apply to all advanced training courses and seminars from SL



2.1. SL undertakes to perform her services with the greatest care.

2.2. SL points out that coaching is an active and responsible process and that certain successes cannot be guaranteed. The coach is particularly at the client's side as a process facilitator and supporter for decisions and changes. The actual change work is done by the client him/herself. The client should therefore be willing and open to deal with themselves and their situation.

2.3. SL and its clients mutually commit to loyalty and openness. Both sides do everything to the best of their knowledge and belief to make the success of the agreed services possible.

2.4. The client bears sole responsibility for the use and implementation of the coaching results.



3.1. SL attaches importance to a serious clarification according to the needs of the customer and creates tailor-made offers for workshops, seminars, lectures, and other services only after a personal preliminary discussion with the client/customer.

3.2. Preliminary discussions that do not lead to an offer are free of charge for up to 45 minutes. They include a live, virtual or telephone interview. SL informs the customer verbally or in writing when making an offer that any offers are chargeable.

3.3. The scope of the order and the detailed goals are recorded in a separate agreement. At the beginning of a process, SL clarifies the respective expectations of the coaching together with the client. 



4.1. An order is deemed to have been placed if - a written order confirmation or a written appointment reservation has been made - or an oral appointment reservation has been made, provided that it is clear from the circumstances that the client is willing to use the service in question at the scheduled time, or if for it is recognizable that SL has reserved the relevant dates and resources, - there is a written offer and SL has started work with the clear consent of the customer.

4.2. In the case of blanket offers or blanket order confirmations, the order is also deemed to have been placed if the further procedure is regulated in separate plans (eg project plans). The dates, unscheduled working days or other resources reserved according to such plans count as orders placed.



5.1. Unless agreed otherwise, the services will be invoiced based on the actual effort. 

5.2. If the work sessions do not take place at the location specified by SL, SL will invoice travel expenses, any meals and accommodation costs as well as the travel time. The then agreed fee and service overview apply.

5.3. SL discusses expenses (such as room rental, use of special work tools, and other third-party costs) with its customers in advance and then bills them.

5.4. For orders over a longer period, SL reserves the right to make an advance payment of max. 40% of the budgeted total fee or the full fee for orders with flat fees.

5.5. As a rule, online coaching, workshops, seminars, lectures, and other services are paid for in advance. Payment must be received on SL's account at least 2 days before the start of the process. Each client receives an invoice including a detailed overview that provides information about the services and expenses rendered.

5.6. The clients undertake to pay the invoices within the agreed payment period. Unless agreed otherwise, the invoices have a payment period of 10 days from the date of the invoice.

5.7. In the event of a delay in payment, SL reserves the right to charge a default interest of 5% pa and to charge dunning costs of CHF 30 per reminder. All other legal consequences of default are also reserved.

5.8. For all services subject to VAT, SL also charges the statutory VAT amount.



6.1. Coaching sessions: The coaching session can be canceled free of charge up to 24 hours before the appointment, for Monday appointments until 12.00 pm on fridays, after which the fee is due in full.

6.2. Workshops, seminars, lectures and other services: SL does not charge cancellation fees up to 15 days before the start of the order

If you cancel 14 to 3 days before the start of the order 50% of the amount offered will be invoiced

In the event of later cancellation and no-show, 100% of the amount offered is owed

6.3. If SL cannot fulfill an order for reasons over which SL has no influence (accident or illness of the coach, means of transport, etc.), the client cannot claim damages. In this case, SL undertakes to make up for the order at the next possible date if possible.



7.1. SL treats all company and personal data that she learns in connection with her work or that she generates through her work with absolute confidentiality. She does not pass these on to third parties. Exceptions are permitted if an organization or an individual expressly authorizes SL to do so.

7.2. SL treats personal data with the utmost care. If individual, person-related reports on individual members of an organization are created as part of orders, SL considers these individuals as the only authorized recipients of this information, regardless of who placed or paid for the order.

7.3. Reports or information to other people, especially to other members of the organization and/or superiors, are only given with the consent of the authorized person.



8.1. For the fulfillment of our business purposes, SL uses generally accessible technical and methodological knowledge, knowledge taken from other sources and knowledge developed, developed and adapted to the special customer relationships by itself.

8.2. If technical and methodological knowledge is taken from other sources, this is declared in the form of a quotation, or there is a corresponding agreement between SL and the owner of the copyright.

8.3. SL claims the copyright on all of her own documents, regardless of whether a corresponding copyright notice is attached to the relevant document.

8.4. For the duration of the contractual relationship, SL grants its clients the non-transferable, non-exclusive right to use and use the services and documents provided by SL in accordance with the contract documents. The use of their services and documents, whether for commercial or non-commercial purposes, is only permitted with your express consent.



9.1. SL's activity is purely a service activity. Success is therefore not guaranteed. A (success) liability is excluded.

9.2. SL takes over no liability for accidents and theft during courses, workshops, or events. Insurance is a matter for clients and participants.



10.1 Insurance coverage is generally the responsibility of the participants.



11.1 Swiss law is exclusively applicable to the contractual relationships with SL.

11.2 The place of jurisdiction for any legal disputes arising is the location of Sandra Lutz Life & Business Coaching's registered office.

As of May 2020

Weststrasse 192

8003 Zurich



+41 79 742 90 64

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