certified life coach (DBCA)
Co-Lecturer @Uni Basel Master’s degree in human medicine
My book "You, First!"

As the daughter of a Japanese and a Swiss citizen, I had the privilege of experiencing two completely different cultures and being inspired by both.
I started my professional career as a professional ballet dancer and have traveled the world with various dance companies.
This time as a dancer pushed me to my physical and mental limits. I have learned to overcome these limits and expand my mental and physical resilience. This time as a top athlete shaped me a lot and gave me a lot of joy.
Since the birth of my daughter in 2010, I have worked as a human resources coordinator in a renowned management consultancy. I consulted my first coach, happy and yet with the feeling that there could be more. I gained clarity and was able to develop incredible motivation and great momentum to finally do what makes me really happy.
So it was clear to me that, in addition to my work, I would train as a life coach at the renowned Dr. Bock Coaching Academy in Berlin. I commuted from Zurich to Berlin for over a year and really enjoyed this exhausting time.
I am now doing what fulfills me and what I do best, I have found my Ikigai .
A big thank you to all my clients, because I get even more joy in my job with every coaching session and through my job I get to know many interesting and inspiring people and experience incredible moments of breakthrough.